Difference Between Unrefined Oil and Cold pressed Oil :

Edibile Oils
  • Extraction Method: Cold-pressed refers specifically to the method of oil extraction, while unrefined refers to the extent of post-extraction processing.

  • Processing: Cold-pressed oils are always unrefined, but unrefined oils are not considered as cold-pressed oils. Some unrefined oils can be extracted using other methods that do not involve high temperatures.

  • Nutritional Content: Both types tend to retain more nutrients compared to refined oils, but the specific nutritional profile can vary based on the source material and exact processing methods.
  • Flavor and Aroma: Both tend to have a stronger flavor and aroma compared to refined oils, making them suitable for use in dishes where the oil’s taste is a key component.

  • In summary, cold-pressed oils are a subset of unrefined oils, and both types are valued for their nutritional benefits and rich flavors. However, they may not be suitable for all cooking methods, especially those requiring high heat.

  • We at Prodexsel Global, partner with the best suppliers for the export of Edible Oil from various parts of India to any safe port around the globe for our clients. Contact us for more details.

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